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The Voice of Lake Murray

Dock Signs


For those folks who are new to the Lake Murray Community and for those who may have forgotten, the use of dock signs with the street address has been strongly encouraged by the law enforcement agencies patrolling the lake since 1998.

At that time the Department of Natural Resources and the Lexington County Marine Division approached the Lake Murray Association. They solicited our assistance in the identification process for each dock with the street address clearly marked. The purpose would be efficient response time in emergency calls both for the homeowner and the boater in need of immediate assistance. At the present time, there are 45,000 homeowners living on the shores of Lake Murray.

The Lake Murray Association immediately responded to this request. In order to maintain uniformity, and with the approval of these governing agencies, the LMA designed an aluminum sign that is approximately 5″ high, the length being determined by the street address. This standardized sign is reflective for visibility at night when response can be critical.

Another benefit for the home identification, is the ease by which friends can quickly locate each other by water. Also when a boater is in an unfamiliar area of Lake Murray, they can locate a dock sign with the street address and orient their location to the lake map.

The cost of the sign is $50.00. The minimal profit realized from the sale of these signs is spent on water quality testing and for the preservation of wildlife, not administrative costs. The money is well spent both times.

A “special thank you” to all of you who are participating in this program and have installed the signs on their docks. Despite the interest shown by people on other lakes throughout the United States we only offer this service to residences on Lake Murray.


Thank you for your support of the Lake Murray Association!

We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization under IRS tax code. Your membership fees and contributions may be tax-deductible on your tax returns. *Does not apply to events or dock sign. **expect to receive your personalized dock sign within 1-2 weeks.

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