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Within 20 minutes on the night of May 1, 2010, two boating accidents occurred approximately 200 yards apart on Lake Murray and four people were tragically killed.  These fatalities became the catalyst for change in the Lake Murray community. As a result, the Lake Murray Safety Consortium met for the first time in June 2010.  This Consortium consists of local organizations including The Lake Murray Association, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Lake Murray Power Squadron, Lake Murray Tours, SCE&G and the law enforcement agencies that patrol and enforce state laws on Lake Murray, including the SC Department of Natural Resources and the  Richland, Lexington, Newberry and Saluda County Sheriff’s Departments. These core members have since been supported at different times by additional parties who have a vested interest in boating safety on Lake Murray.

Since that time, the Lake Murray Safety Consortium has worked through our partners to increase awareness and the need for boater education and laws that increase boater safety on Lake Murray and all of our state’s waterways. The consortium also knows that not one entity can do it alone. That it takes agencies and organizations with a vested interest to instill boating safety to everyone.

In 2014, to raise awareness of safe boating in all of South Carolina, the Lake Murray Safety Consortium hosted its first annual South Carolina Boating Fatalities Memorial Service. This memorial service was created to honor the 83 people who died in boating related incidents in South Carolina. This service and the services held every year will remind everyone of these tragic deaths and the importance of boating safety.

As the population on and around the lake increases, the topic of Safety becomes even more important.  As does Safety Education.  The LMA is committed to helping our members stay safe through education and information.

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