The Voice of Lake Murray

Quarterly Meeting Notes

The second public meeting for the LMA membership was held May 10 at the Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Lexington.  

Co-President Mike Kirk opened the meeting.  He introduced the newest corporate sponsors.

Clay Goodwin from the Coast Guard Charleston was the speaker.  He indicated that they do a lot of training on Zoom.  You can access it through DNR and other websites. The training is 3 evenings long for about 2 1/2 hours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  If you finish the course, there is a possible reduction on your insurance but you need to check with your agent.  Auxiliary does a safety patrol but due to Covid, it has restricted their patrol on Lake Murray.  DNR has three officers assigned to Lake Murray to handle navigational issues.  The Power Squadron and DNR work together on these issues.  

Mike mentioned that the Power Squadron was having an Open House on May 21 at Flotilla Island at the end of Johnson Marina Road.

Representatives from Dominion Energy were on hand to answer any questions.  There was lots of discussion concerning violations of the vegetative zones and the disrepair of docks that Dominion checks.

Mike indicated to the audience that LMA was in the process of cleaning up the membership list to get it current.  Trying to automatically let members know when dues needed to be collected.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:17PM.

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