Call Us: 803-749-3888

About Us

The Lake Murray Association (LMA) is a non-profit, volunteer-staffed association formed in 1994.
The association charter states it was formed to provide a means of communication and enlighten its membership in matters that pertain to the protection, restoration and utilization of the waters of Lake Murray and its shoreline community. It provides information and education on issues related to the development, management, and use of Lake Murray. LMA conducts surveys and environmental studies directed at enhancing the health, safety and welfare of Lake Murray for all users. LMA serves users from four counties surrounding the lake. LMA is concerned with lake level, water quality, nuisance aquatic weed management, shoreline development and other issues that impact Lake Murray and its users. We welcome you to browse our web site so that you may learn more about our association and hopefully join our ongoing efforts to preserve and improve this beautiful resource we call Lake Murray. 

Membership is a conscious decision to join with like-minded people to achieve shared goals. If you share a love of Lake Murray; have a desire to make sure the water quality is good; the safety standards are solid; the land management is sound and the water level stays above 354’ msl minimum year round…the Lake Murray Association is made for you. Make a conscious decision to join with us in our quest to work with SCE&G on these issues and more during the re-licensing process.

A family membership is $25.00. The Lake Murray Association LMA has become a public charityunder section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code effective March 10, 2005. Your contributions to The Lake Murray Association should be tax deductible under Section 170 of the Code. LMA is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2105, or 2522 of the code. Please consult with your tax advisor when filing for tax deductible contributions.

The Lake Murray Association (LMA) provides representation for all lake users from the four counties around the lake on issues that pertain to the development, management and use of Lake Murray. The Association works to foster cooperation among the various users and organizations with an interest in the lake (i.e., stakeholders) to insure a clean, safe, and user friendly lake.
The LMA provides information on items and issues of interest to lake users through its quarterly newsletter (Lake~Link), regular meetings, lake oriented programs and participation in community events.
The Association’s key issues for the future include:

  • Lake level
  • Re-licensing
  • Safety
  • Weed control
  • Pollution monitoring and
  • Shoreline management

The LMA through its active membership and board of directors works to maintain and preserve Lake Murray as one of the most beautiful recreational lakes in the south.

Showing your support for our efforts thru your membership is…priceless. The door is always open to your ideas and your help. Decide today…join the Lake Murray Association.

Lake Murray Association P.O. Box 495, Ballentine, S.C. 29002

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